Independent designer, #Justin HUG Collaborate with Major brand on Consulting, Trend, Collection developpment, Graphic, Textile design, Communication, Logo.
Member of “IDEAS” international association. Network of professional studios and agencies involved in design, Technical research, service and communication for sport brand.
Sports addicted... for over twenty years, our studio has been a free-lance consultant for wordlwide famous trademarks. We are also designer and editor of a free database. This book is being spread all over the world. It is a representative database of styling trends and graphic evolution.
A 124 pp. - A3 format book. We have 4 market targets. Summer season shows beach, activ, urban and outdoor sport.
The included CD shows easily usable vectors files for Mac and PC. It is easy for everyone to use and modify shapes and graphisms as wanted.
6 rue des Champs
68210 Elbach
Tél : 03 89 08 00 26
Directeur de la publication : Justin Hug
Ce site est hébergé par OVH
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
Création de site internet en Alsace : Patrice Kuntz
La reproduction ou représentation, intégrale ou partielle, des pages, des textes des images ou de tout autre élément constitutif du site, par quelque procédé ou support que ce soit, est interdite et constitue, sans autorisation de l'éditeur, une contrefaçon.